There’s any number of reasons why a customer may have requested an order to be canceled or asked for a refund before an order was shipped. As soon as we receive a cancellation request from the customer, we update the order’s status so that it appears correctly in your dashboard.
Articles in this section
- I don’t have all of the information I need to produce an order. How do I contact the customer to receive clarification?
- My shipping label won’t print properly. What do I do?
- I received some confusing instructions from a customer. What should I do?
- I need to cancel an order. How do I do that?
- I see an order has been cancelled. What could have happened?
- How do I place a product out of stock so that orders stop from coming in?
- My customer emailed me directly with a question I can’t answer. What do I do?
- I received a notification that I have an order! What do I do now?
- My order is ready to go. How do I ship it?
- Where can I see all of my orders?